Understanding history is often very complicated.
We will now look at the difference between the "Independent State of Croatia" and today's "Republic of Croatia" and the philatelic publications.
The Government of the Independent State of Croatia in emigration and HOP issued official stamps until 1972 (according to some, until 1976).
Private editions were the work of individual patriots or similar organizations and associations, but they were not recognized by the government of the Independent State of Croatia in emigration.
The World Postal Union (UPU) was established in 1874 in Paris and is one of the world's oldest organizations. Today, more than 200 countries are members of the UPU.
It is interesting that in several UPU documents it can be proven that in them Croatia, as a part of Austria-Hungary, has been a member of the UPU since July 1, 1885!
The Independent State of Croatia became a member of the UPU (Union Postale Universelle) on April 14, 1942 and after World War II., the Independent State of Croatia never stopped being a member of the UPU.
At the Croatian government in Buenos Aires and Madrid, there was a Croatian reporting service with a philatelic department, which designed and issued stamps.
The primary goal of issuing stamps was to collect funds for various purposes.
Commemorative and commemorative stamps try to snatch from oblivion certain events from the distant and recent Croatian past, at the same time pointing to the aspirations of the Croatian people for their independence and at the same time waging a silent war against communism.
Symbols and images on stamps in emigration arouse patriotic and anti-communist feelings.
The publishing company "Domovina" from Madrid registers in its catalogs all the publications of the government of the Independent State of Croatia in emigration until 1975.
The first edition from 1964 was edited by Dr. Branko Marić, and the second in 1976 by Višnja Pavelić, the daughter of Poglavnik Dr. Ante Pavelić.
The stamps were sold to stamp dealers in the USA, Canada, South America and Western Europe who further distributed them around the world.
That's how some stamps reached Croatia.
The main distribution centers were in Buenos Aires, Madrid and Damascus, Syria, where the offices of the croatian government in emigration were located.
The aim of the private issues of Croatian stamps was also the promotion of Croatia, the collection of funds for various patriotic needs and actions, but speculative work is also not excluded.
Stamps were printed, sold, bought and collected. No one in the world issues stamps without a good financial performance, regardless of the purposes for which the profits will be used.
For the editions of the HSS, the Croatian Philatelic Society from Sydney, the London newspaper "Nova Hrvatska", the Croatian Franciscans from Pennsylvania and the "Croatian Social Welfare" from New York, it would be difficult to claim that their primary reasons are exclusively speculation.
Another case is with the series of UPU, birds, flowers, especially Mostar of 500 kn and some others that were issued by private hands.
During the beginning of the jugo-serbian agression there were published a lot of stamps of the Independent State of Croatia. There were published in collaboration with the german veteran organisation Handschar 80 different stamp-sets.
In 1993 were published a lot of stamps with music motives, 1994 four more bands and again some in 2020 and some in 2024 with the currency Kuna and Banica.
The Republic of Croatia was recognized in 1991, although it had been proclaimed in 1990.
Now the complication begins :
- The Independent State of Croatia has puslished two stamps in the year 1934, seven years before the proclamation of The Independent State of Croatia in 1941!
- The Republic of Croatia has published two stamps in the year 1971, twenty years before the recognization in 1991.